Sunday, January 4, 2009

Losers of the Week

So I read the paper almost every day. I know it's that annoying habit people say they do to seem superior but come off as pompous but I actually do and it's stories like these that make me not want to. One of them is about this severe disabled boy who has to be assisted home in New York. The lady who assists him home, Linda Hockaday, wanted to see of all things a church service. She knew this young man, a 22 year old who had the mindset of a child, was in the back of the bus and left him there in a New York adandonded parking lot for 17 hours. They found him rocking back and forth and suffering from hypothermia due to a temperature that hit 17 degrees. I mean, my god, really is the world so bad when a person who knows and sees this defenseless boy can't fathom why it's wrong to leave him and just be late or not go to this service. Seriously i mean that kind of treatment has belonged to animals not a woman.
above is the picture of her and the boy
Another one thats perplexing was one near me, which is scary enough. A 62 year old woman had been raped and brutalized. I mean this woman was beat beyond recognition. They just arrested 30 year old Jose Malanche for the rape and beating and it turns out he has a rap sheet for sexually assuaulting a minor. So this loser gets off on torturing a child and senior citizens. So I'm going to guess from my lack of a $500,000 education to be a psychologist he has control issues. But really this kind of scum just suffers from pretty much being the bottom barrell of the human race and needs to seriously rot in a 2x4 cell which no toilet paper.
I hear these stories and get sad for my son and even myself. Because while I like to believe our parents generation was good really what it was a good cover for the evil because back then they didn't have the technology and means for people to do things now or to publicise them. But there's no shield now. I can keep my son from watching the news, reading it or at least try to but at the very end what's the point. He will grow older and see evil and know. But my job lies in teaching him to overcome. They don't tell you this stuff in the hospital when you take him home.

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