Sunday, January 4, 2009

Parent's who can't... well... parent

Ok before I write this let me just get this out. I once went to Wal Mart where this girl was throwing a fit in the paint aisle. I was pregnant and getting really annoyed and now to proud to admit that I was giving dirty looks. The mom was trying her best but was shooting me some "sorry but what can I do" looks of her own. Eventually, we somehow started just making small talk and out she admitted her child had autism. Those kind of children, and when I say those I don't mean their a different species but they do have different needs and situations to deal with. So I really try not to judge too quick. The other day my son, 6 months old, threw a tantrum when I took my wallet back which he was chewing on. He threw a fit, crying and trying to get out of the car seat. Since we were in the check out line I picked him up, paid and walked out. I did not give him back the wallet. I can't really scold cause hello, the boys 6 months but definately got across the no and he was not being very good. However, who knows if he understands. Had he been a little bit older and did that anywhere before the checkout line he was would have been escorted outside into the car and he could have gone to town with that temper tantrum after he was told he would be going home and going to bed early without dessert and no television privildges. I hate making others a burden to my child's bad mood that day.
However, I really have to hand it to these parents at Mimi's Cafe today who showed absolute no control over their what seemed to be a 3 or 4 year old girl. She was in a pretty princess looking dress which to me I would guess she begged to wear it and they didn't put up a fight. As they were paying the bill this girl started acting up and I mean bad. First she drew on a very big, nice picture behind their booth, with crayons. When I say she drew I'm talking big red, green and orange circles and lines on a picture that looked from size alone to be worth over $500. Then the screaming, high pitched that in movies was used to break glasses. Multiple times. It made other diners stop, gasp and try to awkwardly have a meal. My mother and sister clapped when they left. And all the mother could say was her daughters name, and that was it as if that would make her stop. Eventually she scolded her and said stop. Ignored. Then she even threated a spanking which was ignored. It was horrible. This was a nice restaurant in which her behavior couldn't be ignored or overseen. How dare these parents think it's all right for their daughter to ruin others meals, rather than getting off their arses to take her outside, while one pays the bill.
The worst one was Denny's when a family of 2 or 3 takes all of their kids, 3 toddler boys and a couple girls. Right away we knew their trouble. They were running around the table, under and around making a mess. They slurped down drinks, chowed on fries and their meals and then ran around again. Not one parent made a move to stop them. The best part was as their leaving and paying the bill (a waitress later said they wanted a military discount, didn't get one and didn't leave a tip) their child upchucked over 3 times, nearly on a patron. The mother didn't move, in fact she got threw up on. The boy freaked and cried while the waitress removed his shirt. The mother moved away and went to the restroom. If your going to be a mom,
  • Stop being lazy and letting others do your dirty work.
  • And at the very least have some respect for others who would gladly discipline your child if it weren't for some stupid criminal laws.
  • Remove them from the situation.
  • Let them get out the temper and when their calm enough to listen spell out their punishment now and for next time they act up
If I sound stuck up and rude, just know I have a difficult spoiled 6 month old. I'm trying my best to break him of his habits to cry loudly and persistently when he gets a toy taken away. And I'm going to guess he's going to be like that every now and then in the store. And every time he will be disciplined and taken out of people's way because he is my child, not theirs. And please realize so many people in the stores, restaurants, theme parks, everywhere feel this way. Just look around at the thousands of parents there who have kids looking at yours wondering why their mommy isn't doing anything. I hate seeing this huge increase of adults just letting their kids control their lives because they love them and don't want to spank them. I don't believe in spanking them but I do believe that you can discipline a child and that your child should never control your actions. They might as well call you by your first name rather than mom or dad.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, maybe Aiden is one of the kids you'd look sideways at. Well, I try to control him and if it doesn't work, he goes to the bathroom. Not to go pee, but for a talk and a spanking if I deem it necessary. It's hard though, because I think he may have some behavioral issues that come from ADD or ADHD. Sometimes though, you just have to accept that kids are going to throw tantrums and they won't always behave as well as you'd like them too. Being a parent yourself, you will soon sympathize with those parents. Some places are made for kids and, honestly, if you don't like seeing bratty kids, then you may as well stay home. It is a fact of life. What makes the situation is how you react to it. Sometimes I see kids acting up and I know how the parents feel. Alot of times we have to actually just leave where we are because of how Aiden acts and it's hard when I take him alone because I can't handle him and Donovan. I just hope you can have empathy for some parents (not all because some people need a butt whooping more than their kids do for allowing such behavior).
    Ps. As i'm typing this Aiden snuck out of bed with a mouthfull of carrot that he hid in his bed from lunchtime. Be prepared, Samantha. Be prepared.


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