Thursday, January 22, 2009

A new blog idea-1/22/09

I know I said this blog is going to be about anything and everything with careers, money and life and it still is of course. But I decided after seeing what later turned out to be a fake blog from a woman that changed her residence from Hanford to Fresno, it was her spending blog. I thought it was a cool idea so this is going to be my website on my goals for life. Not new years resolutions because these are going to be long term. My first goal will be actually to do this blog since I am the world's worst procrastinor who doesn't finish what they start. I want to start each blog with the date and my progress from that day or week on
1) how I've been eating since I would like to lose weight but I'm tired of eating unhealthy and while I write this I've got Flaming hot cheetos and a soda in front of me contemplating if I should keep typing, Stop typing,
2) Continue on going to school and excelling. So far today I have my midterm in Math and Computers and I start a new class on Monday. I will graduate today with my A in both classes. I will, I will.
3)Pay off my credit card and my car loan and start a savings for Joe's adulthood (I don't say college because who's to say he wants to go and he'll excel there and not the military or studying abroad) and also for his birthday and Christmas. I am about to withdraw $1600 from one of my retirement loans, I know bad girl but got no choices. It will go half to car loan, some of it to credit card and rest to moving into Montclair.
4) Teach Joey to do sign language before he's one years old. So far I only remember milk which represents formula, more, love and water. Oh and diaper change.
So every day I hope to accomplish one aspect of my goals. Right now I'm fretting about getting a smog check and paying registration and delaying going to smog shop. I need to grab my Wic formula. I have an appointment monday for getting on Food stamps, welfare and medi-cal which is such a pride buster for me because I had really not wanted to do it so I wasn't taking from someone else who needs it when I thought Josh would keep his job. I'm starting to stress about math test tonight when I shouldn't. My teacher taught us yesterday to calculate how much we could get on tommorows test so we could keep out current grade and I can keep my A if I get a C. I think it screwed with me.
Oh and I'm still eating the cheetos.

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